Mead’s Meanderings: The Apostle Paul
Mead’s Meanderings: You Are What You Eat
Mead’s Meanderings: Baptism
Mead’s Meanderings: discussions of faith and life.
Guided Meditation
What is the Peace of God?
Stations of the Cross
Fr. Andrew Mead discusses the impact of St. Paul on the church and in his personal life. Audio extracted from the video, which can be viewed here
Fr. Craig leads us through the Stations of The Cross.
Fr. Craig Swan, rector of St. Peter's by-the-Sea introduces a new series of videos encouraging people to create time and space for the sacred in their homes.
Fr. Craig Swan, rector of St. Peter's by-the-Sea in Narragansett, Rhode Island discusses and demonstrates the importance of creating a sacred space in your h...
8 am Holy Eucharist
10:15 am Holy Eucharist .
services are podcasted most weeks on Mondays.
Morning Prayer is offered Tues., Wed, and Thurs. at 8:45. Please enter through the office entrance.
Zoom Bible Studies are Wednesdays at noon and Thursdays at 7:15p
Community Market is held on most Fridays from 3-5 pm in the Parish Hall.
Friday, March 28
9 am
Celebration for the Life Matthew Meyer
Sunday, April 13,
8 and 10:15
Palm Sunday Liturgy
Thursday, April 17
6p Community Dinner
7p Maundy Thursday Liturgy
Fr Drake Douglas , Preacher
Friday, April 18
12 p Stations of the Cross
7p Good Friday Liturgy @ St Augustine’s, Kingston
7p Saturday, April 19
Easter Vigil with choir, tympani and Brass
10':15 Sunday, April 20
Festal Easter Celebration with brass, tympani, and choir
A vibrant Christian community growing deeper in relationship with God, each other, and the world.